Agroscope FAL Reckenholz, Swiss Federal Research Station for Agroecology and Agriculture, Zurich

Landscape types and accessibility of near nature habitats

The aim of the interdisciplinary research project «Greifensee» was the development of agri-environmental measures for the sustainable development of the agriculture. Therefore landscape development was simulated for the year 2011 and for different scenarios.The delineation and classification of landscape types by means of geomorphologic units, soil characteristics and land use was done to characterise the landscapes. Model regions were derived from the landscape types serving as spatial units and as a helping tool to evaluate the ecological state of the landscapes and the model results. First indications of the potential impact on biodiversity were shown based on changes of land use intensity. Furthermore, the accessibility of specific near nature habitat types is used as an indicator for landscape structure.The results of the simulations for 2011 indicate that the surrounding areas of near nature habitats do not tend to be used at low intensities more likely than other areas. For the future development of agri-environmental measures we have to consider reducing compensations payments for extensively used meadows which do not compile with quality criteria while enhancing the compensation for meadows of high ecological quality.

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