Brewer`s grains silage: duration of storage and use of different silage additives
Fresh brewer’s grains are perishable. Ensiling is an alternative to feeding fresh brewer’s grains. In two trials we examined both the influence of the duration of storage of the silage and the use of different silage additives on the quality of brewer’s grains silage. We ensiled brewer’s grains in 30 litre barrels with juice discharge. Besides a treatment without additive in the first trial we used the product Mais-Kofasil and in the second trial Mais-Kofasil, Luprosil and potassium sorbate as silage additives. After 1, 3 and 6 in the first trial and after 3, 6 and 9 months duration of storage in the second trial we opened some barrels and determined nutrients, fermentation parameters, some microorganisms and aerobic stability. Effluent flowed from all barrels during the whole duration of the trials. The major part of the effluent was observed during the first days. With increasing duration of storage, the lactic acid contents decreased and the acetic acid contents as well as the pH values increased in the silages, thus indicating a deterioration of the quality. The highest yeast and mould contents were observed when the duration of storage was shortest. With increasing duration of storage of the silages, the yeast contents decreased and the silages warmed up later. The two silage additives Luprosil and potassium sorbate were able to suppress the development of the yeasts and to improve the aerobic stability already at a short storage period.
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Brewer`s grains silage: duration of storage and use of different silage additives