Agroscope FAT Tänikon, Swiss Federal Research Station for Agricultural Economics and Engineering,CH- 8356 Ettenhausen

What does the FAT do? Current project portfolio

Agroscope FAT Tänikon’s main research priorities for the 2004-2007 period can be described as follows: Economic analyses and forecasts for the agricultural sector produce decision bases for agricultural policy. The subject matter of our investigations covers productivity development, use of public funds, the direct payment system, dairy farming, food chains and the economic situation of agriculture. Bases and concepts for future-oriented farm and production structures lead to sustainable organisational, technical and political solutions. Research under this heading covers structural changes, earning power, forms of development and co-operation, decision bases with regard to labour economics and farm management, environmental aspects of farm management, cropping and harvesting techniques in arable farming along with plant protection and fertilising methods inter alia in organic farming. Engineering and economics of grassland farming contributes to efficient, sustainable use of meadows and pasture. Research here looks at grassland farming methods, grazing systems and information technology at the interface between biological systems and technical procedures.The development of sustainable and animal-friendly housing systems for farm animals helps to improve competitiveness and social acceptance of animal production. Research areas include milk production systems, exercise areas, feeding systems, milking systems, rural buildings, pen fittings, animal identification systems and animal behaviour.

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