Can Swiss type cheese be produced without a period in the fermentation room?
Laboratory investigations at Agroscope Liebefeld-Posieux, Swiss Federal Research Station for Animal Production and Dairy Products ( ALP), had shown that propionibacteria are also able to grow relatively well at low temperatures (14º C). This could be proven not only for the two cultures Prop 01 and Prop 96, but also for many other strains too. It even seems very probable that all propionibacteria have this ability. The aim of this study was to show whether it is possible to produce Swiss type cheeses without a period in the fermentation room. At ALP, test cheeses were allowed to ripen at constant low temperatures (14 or 16º C). All the cheeses exhibited eye formation, but the ripening period was longer than usual. Slight differences in sensorial properties could also be detected. In this way, with appropriate adjustment of the ripening period, a good quality Swiss type cheese can be made even without a period in the fermentation room.
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Can Swiss type cheese be produced without a period in the fermentation room?