Agroscope research programs
The three Agroscope research stations, Changins-Wädenswil ACW, Liebefeld-Posieux ALP and Reckenholz-Tänikon ART, will jointly carry out three multidisciplinary research programs during the period 2008 – 2011. “ProfiCrops” aims at developing, preparing, evaluating and exchanging information in order to ensure a future for Swiss vegetable production in a largely liberalized market and to reinforce the confidence of consumers in Swiss products. The “NutriScope” program aims at optimizing parameters determining quality, safety and health along the food chain, from “farm to fork”, in order to offer consumers maximum value for money. Work will concentrate on the economically important foodstuffs manufactured from raw materials of Swiss agriculture. The “AgriMontana” program is based on the idea that mountain areas can profit from a sustainable development while at the same time respond to the requirements of the local population and the whole of the social structure in mountain areas. Principles of action as well as political measures will have to be elaborated in this direction. Decision-making aids will be developed for the regional players along with a policy ensuring the sustainable development of mountain areas. These research programs have a limited duration with clearly defined objectives, have a multidisciplinary orientation, and work in partnership with the customers who directly use and apply the research results. The creation of networks will allow us to bring together paramount know-how which will make it possible to answer essential questions.
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Agroscope research programs