What are the facrors influencing the disbanding of a farming collective?
In January 2006, the Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon Research Station ART carried out a survey of all farming collectives (FCs) in Switzerland. The aim of the survey was to obtain findings on the organisation of the FCs, as well as on the satisfaction levels and communication and conflict-management strategies of the partners. In the present study, logistic regression was used to determine factors influencing the intention to disband a farming collective. The longer a FC has existed, the greater the intention is to disband it. In addition, the risk of dissolution increases when the partners are not related and if there is a high level of conflict in the FC. If, on the other hand, preliminary preparations are not rushed and the FC is set up properly, and if expansion investments were even made at the time of set-up, there is a high likelihood of the FC lasting a long time.
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What are the facrors influencing the disbanding of a farming collective?