Productivity comparison between Switzerland and Baden-Württemberg
The best 17 % of Swiss farms were able to match Baden-Württemberg in respect of total productivity; the proportion for net labour productivity was around one quarter. This is the result of a study aiming at determining the position of Swiss agriculture in an international comparison of productivity. As the climatic and topographic conditions of the regions compared are similar, it is clear that Swiss agriculture has a potential for productivity improvement. An analysis was made on the basis of data from the Swiss Farm Accountancy Data Network and the EU Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). Baden-Württemberg was selected as the comparison region, since the topographic and climatic conditions in this region are most comparable with conditions in Switzerland. Baden-Württemberg’s accountancy figures were adjusted to Swiss price and direct payment conditions in order to take account of the differences in the agricultural policies of Switzerland and the German federal state. The comparison was based on the two key productivity figures, total productivity and labour productivity.
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Productivity comparison between Switzerland and Baden-Württemberg