Silage additives for grass: test results 2008
The efficacy of the silage additive Lalsil Dry, which should improve the main fermentation on one hand and the aerobic stability on the other hand in grass-silages with dry matter contents above 30 %, was tested in five trials. Two trials were conducted with a mixture of cocksfoot and lucerne, which was pre-wilted of nearly 30 % DM. A mixture containing mainly grasses, which was ensiled with 40 and over 50 % DM, was the basis for the tests to improve the aerobic stability. Besides the variant with Lalsil Dry, a variant without additive (negative control) as well as a variant with propionic acid (positive control) were investigated. In the trials to improve the main fermentation, the silos were opened after 99 days. The silos where the aerobic stability was tested, were already opened after 56 days. Furthermore, these silages underwent an air-stress. In the main fermentation trials the butyric acid production in one trial and the protein degradation in both trials were reduced by the use of Lalsil Dry. Nevertheless, in comparison to the variant without additive higher amounts of acetic acid were produced and this resulted in lower DLG points. In the three trials to improve the aerobic stability all silages showed a good fermentation quality and high DLG points. The aerobic stability was improved by the use of Lalsil Dry. As a result of these data the silage additive Lalsil Dry was now definitively authorized.
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Silage additives for grass: test results 2008