Silage additives and aerobic stability – test results 2008
The efficacy of the two silage additives Silostar Protect und Alltech Fireguard WS was investigated to improve the aerobic stability in maize silage. In addition, a treatment without additive (negative control) and a treatment with propionic acid (positive control) were tested. The tests were conducted with maize of the variety Amadeo, which was harvested at three different dry matter levels (between 25 and 42 % dry matter) and ensiled in 1.5 litre laboratory scale silos. 7 days before the silos were opened, the silage underwent an air stress for 24 hours. The storage period lasted 56 days. All silages showed a good fermentation quality and therefore high DLG points. The product Silostar Protect showed in all three trials a good efficacy. On the other hand the product Alltech Fireguard WS was in one case efficient and in an other case not efficient. Based on these results the product Silostar Protect now has been authorized definitively.
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Silage additives and aerobic stability – test results 2008