Silage additives and aerobic stability: test results 2009
Agroscope Liebefeld-Posieux Research Station ALP investigated the efficacy of the silage additives Fireguard and Sil-EM for the improvement of aerobic stability in maize silages. Beside a negative control without additives, a positive control with Luprosil was also tested. The trials were conducted with maize cv. Amadeo, harvested at 32 % and 40 % dry matter content and ensiled in 1,5-litre laboratory scale silos. The storage period lasted 56 days. Except for the silages treated with Sil-EM, all the others showed good fermentation quality and therefore high DLG points. The application of Sil-EM increased the acetic acid contents and the losses, but improved the aerobic stability. For the silage additive Fireguard, the right dosage is important to improve the aerobic stability. Based on these results, both products Fireguard and Sil-EM are definitively authorized for the improvement of aerobic stability.
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Silage additives and aerobic stability: test results 2009