PRAMIG: a development project to enhance grassland management in the Swiss Southern Alps
Meadows and pastures play a vital economic role for both agriculture and tourism along the Southern side Alps. The main objective of the PRAMIG (Miglioramento dei prati a Sud delle Alpi) project was to promote sustainable management methods for farms located in the Southern side Alps, by means of a fodder production system adapted to the local conditions, as well as suited to the animals’ needs and manageable by the peasant families. For three years, key stakeholders (AGRIDEA, APF, ACW, Agricultural Extension of TI, Agricultural School of Mezanna, SEREC) run demonstrative tests and trials on ten farms, follow the phenological development of meadows, measure the growth of grass and characterize the vegetation of permanent grasslands. Disseminated in the usual channels, such as extension days, specialized agricultural press and datasheets, the results of such an approach led to better evaluate the main characteristics of grassland areas in the Southern Alps, and to identify the operating practices and interventions best suited to develop their potentials. This project has revived the debate on forage (especially in mountain areas) and encouraged stakeholders to build and strengthen their network of partnerships at different levels (agricultural, institutional).
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PRAMIG: a development project to enhance grassland management in the Swiss Southern Alps