Standard labour unit: factors for para-agricultural activities
Factors for calculating standard labour units (SLUs) are derived from cost/ performance calculations for paraagricultural activities found in business- management literature. The SLU factors specify the necessary labour input per CHF 10 000 of volume of sales or turnover, with three activity categories being distinguished. Leisure time and educational activities on the farm are highly labour-intensive, and can be described with the factor 0.15 SLU per CHF 10 000 gross output. Agritourism activities such as catering and the provision of overnight accommodation, as well as the provision of wood fuel and the boarding of horses constitute the second category, with a factor of 0.06. Practised by many farms, the third category of direct marketing and wage labour has an SLU factor of 0.03.
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Standard labour unit: factors for para-agricultural activities