Timothy: two new varieties recommended
Between 2013 and 2015, Agroscope field-tested a total of 21 varieties of timothy (Phleum pratense) as to their suitability for cultivation. Seven of these varieties had already been recommended and served as benchmarks in the trial, whilst simultaneously being required to pass the test again. Yield and digestibility, vigour (density, luxuriance and evenness of the stand), juvenile development, persistence ( vigour at the end of the test period), resistance to leaf diseases, winter-hardiness and competitive ability were all evaluated. Based on good trial results, two new varieties have recently been included in the List of Recommended Varieties of Forage Plants: Polarking, which scored impressively under the important headings of yield, vigour, persistence, digestibility and competitive ability, and Summergraze, with above-average performances in yield, vigour, persistence, and suitability for cultivation at higher altitudes. Owing to its extremely weak yield performance, the hitherto recommended variety Moverdi is being deleted from the List.
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Timothy: two new varieties recommended