Cultivation factors influence Fusarium fungi and mycotoxins in Swiss barley
During a 2-year monitoring we observed that the occurrence of Fusarium graminearum and the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol are influenced by several cropping factors. Frequently, not only one but the combination of different factors have to be considered e.g. previous crop and tillage. Thus, the entire cropping system should be taken into consideration to retrieve influencing cropping factors. Not the type of the cultivation system but the differences within the farming system account for the differences. The main influencing factor was the previous crop maize and the combination with other factors like reduced tillage or the cultivation of two years maize in a row enhanced this effect. Additionally we observed that spring barley was less infected compared with winter barley. Samples without an application of fungicides and growth regulators as well as a reduced nitrogen fertilisation showed less infection and contamination with mycotoxins.
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Cultivation factors influence Fusarium fungi and mycotoxins in Swiss barley