Swiss private-label branded beef: brand credibility and consumer trust
Ethologically and ecologically sound production methods, brand awareness and brand credibility are all preconditions for the production of high-quality beef and veal. The market research results presented here show that certain consumer segments more frequently consume Swiss private label branded beef if high production standards in terms of animal welfare, ecology and pasture grazing are met, and the animals are kept on pasture and primarily grass-fed. Private label branded beef produced under these conditions enjoys a higher level of trust in the Swiss marketplace than other branded beef products and consumers are willing to pay comparatively higher prices for such products. With respect to label awareness, our research identified significant differences between different language regions in Switzerland. While there is a high level of brand awareness (aided recall recognition) of the «Natura-Beef» and «Natura-Beef Bio» labels in the two language regions investigated, both label brands are significantly better known in German-speaking Switzerland than in the French-speaking part of the country. Spontaneous associations with beef and veal labels reveal that it is primarily the brands linked with the Coop and Migros supermarket chains, or with organic production, that succeed in the marketplace. The most frequently mentioned label brands (in descending order of frequency) are «Naturaplan», «Bell», «Bio», «Bio Suisse», «Terra Suisse», «Natura-Beef» and «Naturafarm».
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Swiss private-label branded beef: brand credibility and consumer trust