
503 posts

Animal production

Lazzari G., Münger A., Eggerschwiler L., Borda-Molina D., Seifert J., Camarinha-Silva A., Schrade S., Zähner M., Zeyer K., Kreuzer M., Dohme-Meier F.

What Effect Do Tannin-Containing Feeds Have on Methane Emissions from Dairy Cows?

Tannin-containing feedstuffs like Acacia mearnsii and sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) have a measurable impact in reducing methane emissions from dairy cows. However, since these feedstuffs in some cases lead to productivity losses, careful consideration must be given to their use.

Lazzari G., Münger A., Heimo D., Seifert S., Camarinha-Silva A., Borda-Molina D., Zähner M., Schrade S., Kreuzer M., Dohme-Meier F.

Sainfoin Silage and Acacia Extract Reduce the Nitrogen Content in the Urine of Dairy Cows

In dairy cows, herbage-based diets often lead to increased nitrogen excretion. Tanniferous sainfoin and extract of acacia can reduce nitrogen excretion from urine and thus ammonia volatilization from slurry.
Animal production

Ueda K., Heikkilä U., Kuntzer T., Gobbo Oliveira Erünlü N., Joël Bérard J., Wellnitz O., Beglinger C., Rieder S.

Remote Monitoring –Sensor Ear-Tag for Cattle Put to the Test

Monitoring systems for indoor housing and home or alpine pastures are gaining in importance owing to their potential for uninterrupted remote monitoring of livestock and for automating administrative tasks. Identitas AG and Agroscope tested the suitability of a sensor ear-tag for cattle for this purpose. The agricultural sector is evolving towards larger farms with bigger…