
2,492 posts

Agriculture and Biodiversity: Systematic Overview Identifies Important Avenues for Future Research

The intensification of agriculture has greatly changed Europe's agroecosystems, with major implications for biodiversity. An overview study by Agroscope and the Swiss Ornithological Institute identifies the most important areas for future research with a view to minimising the uncertainties of currently available knowledge.

The DNA of Franches-Montagnes Horses Reveals the Origin of the Breed

The genotype information of over 1,000 horses reveals that the Franches-Montagnes can be distinguished from other historically introgressed breeds. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated, that this kind of information can also be applied to manage the inbreeding within the population.

What is Typical Spelt and How Do We Distinguish it From Modern Wheat-Spelt Intercrosses in Switzerland?

Spelt (Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta) is in increasing demand from consumers and bakeries. Linking phenotypic traits to the underlying genetic information of each variety helps us to better categorise the spelt varieties in Switzerland.