
2,490 posts

Plant production

Verdenal T., Spring J.-L., Dienes-Nagy Á., Bourdin G. und Zufferey V.

Impact of foliar nitrogen supplementation on Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc wines

The effectiveness of an application of foliar nitrogen at veraison depends on the initial level of vine nitrogen deficiency, an Agroscope study has shown. The threshold levels of assimilable nitrogen deficiency in the grape must are validated for Chardonnay but still need to be confirmed for Sauvignon Blanc.

Dubuis P.-H., Droz M., Melgar A., Zürcher U.A., Zarn J. A., Gindro K., König S.L.B.

Plant Protection Treatment by Drones: Risks for Residents?

Orchard crop spraying using unmanned aerial spraying systems commonly referred to as drones can lead to drift, posing a risk to residents and bystanders. The study shows that the risks arising from this are taken into account by the current registration process.

Luka H., Blick T., Lenzin H., Luka Stan A., Reinbacher L., Pfifner L.

Conversion to Organics – Promotion of Species Diversity Can Often Only Be Detected After Some Considerable Time

Trials conducted by FiBL have shown that conversion to organic farming also promotes endangered Red List species such as the carabid beetle species Amara tricuspidata. This species and other species consume seeds of forbs and grasses and thus supports natural weed control.
Plant production

Reynard J.- S., Spring J.-L., Verdenal T., Zufferey V., Bourdin G., Bieri S., Carlen C., Crettenand F., Favre G.

Safeguarding the Genetic Diversity of Arvine

A programme has been launched for safeguarding the genetic diversity of Arvine, a grape variety formerly cultivated in Valais. Directed selection would make it possible to exploit this variety's biodiversity and to meet the ecological and economic challenges of the future.

Bender S.F., Schulz S., Martínez-Cuesta R., Laughlin R.J., Kublik S., Pfeiffer-Zakharova K., Vestergaard G., Hartman K., Parladé E., Römbke J., Watson C.J., Schloter M., van der Heijden M.G.A.

Impoverished Soil Life Reduces Nutrient Efficiency and Increases Environmental Pollution

Nutrient losses in agricultural production are a global problem. A lysimeter test now shows that soil organisms can make a major contribution to increasing nutrient use efficiency in arable farming and reducing nutrient losses.