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Agricultural economics

Zgraggen K., Flury Ch., Jung M., Rieder P.

Agricultural policy 2011 – hang on, liberalise or economise?

The current discussion about agricultural policy 2011 is taking place primarily among experts, politicians and those who represent agricultural interests. We aim to make the public at large aware of developments in agriculture by illustrating the relationships between the market, politics and developments in agricultural structures. To this end, we create photo-realistic illustrations of future…

Retrospettiva fenologica dell`anno 2004

L’anno 2004 è stato più caldo del normale e caratterizzato da tempo variabile. L’otto luglio, un violento temporale con grandine ha causato grandi danni all’agricoltura sull’Altopiano. A causa del paragone con l’anno precedente particolarmente caldo, l’estate 2004 è generalmente stata vista dalla popolazione come meteorologicamente brutta, nonostante una temperatura perlopiù sopra la media. Contrariamente agli…
Plant production

Frick C., Hebeisen Th., Reinbrecht C.

Safflower oil production in Switzerland

Safflower oil is a well established edible oil produced out of the grain of Carthamus tinctorius. In Switzerland, there is no tradition cultivating safflower, event though the plant is adapted to our climate. Within a three-year project, we tested the cultivation of various varieties of safflower Together with the University of Hohenheim, we examined different…

Sanvido O., Widmer F., Winzeler M., Streit B., Szerencsits E., Bigler F.

Coexistence of GM with nonGM crops

Today, the coexistence of GM and non-GM crops is highly debated, both in politics and in public. Environmental, consumer and farmer associations emphasize for various reasons and motivations that a coexistence of the two cropping systems is virtually not possible in Switzerland due to its small-scale agricultural production. Agroscope FAL Reckenholz, the Swiss Federal Research…

Thomet A., Fragnière C.

Milk concentrate is interesting for small dairies

The production of cheese from milk concentrate made by microfiltration is an economic alternative to traditional cheese making for small dairies.The estimated production cost of the milk concentrate are between 2.88 to 5.04 CHF/kg calculated to a batch size of 3’000 kg milk, depending on the intended purpose. The further processing of the milk concentrate…

Bogdanov S., Edder P.

Contamination of honey by a sulfonamide after the use of a herbicide in agriculture

Since several years the Swiss cantonal laboratories carry out regularly control of antibiotic residues in honey. In few honeys residues of an unknown sulfonamide, sulphanilamide, have been detected. We investigated in one particular case, in order to find out the contamination source. The honeys concerned were harvested in three apiaries situated in an area of…

Fluri P., Frick R.

beekeeping in Switzerland: facts and importance

Bees accomplish an important contribution to the national economy by pollinating economic and wild plants and by producing honey, pollen and wax. The pollination value of one bee colony based on the harvest cost of fruit trees and berries accounts to about 1250 Swiss Francs per year, in addition to the value of the bee…
Animal production

Keck M., Koutny L., Schmidlin A., Hilty R.

Odour in ambient air of pig housing systems with exercise yards and natural ventilation

Whereas closed housing with forced ventilation predominated in the past, nowadays, most new pig housing facilities are designed as multi-surface systems with bedding and exercise yards. New pig housing systems have to observe minimum separation distances from inhabited areas. However, these distances are not sufficient for new housing systems with natural ventilation or for exercise…
Animal production

Zähner M., Spiessl-Mayr E.

Electronic livestock identification

Data transfer between farms, dealers, slaughterhouse and the Swiss stock movement database is increasing, especially in response to the requirement for full animal traceability. Identification of individual animals is an important part of this system. The present practice of identifying animals by plastic ear tags has the advantages of being easy to use and inexpensive,…
Plant production

Bohren Ch., Delabays N., Mermillod G., Keimer Ch., Kündig Ch.

Common ragweed in Switzerland: distribution and control

Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) is presently raising a growing worry in Switzerland. Beside being a weed in arable field, the plant produce a very allergenic pollen that can induce potentially important health problems in the population. This situation require the application of a strong control strategy that concern, beside agriculture, the staffs in charge of…
Plant production

Vonlanthen I., Ramseier H., Häni F.

Variability and stability of different fallow seed mixtures

In a six year experiment in the Swiss lowlands of the Canton of Bern the development of single sown species, their competitive ability towards spontaneous species and flowering diversity were studied for four fallow seed mixtures (rotational fallow and wildflower strip mixtures of the companies UFA Winterthur and Schweizer Samen). The wildflower strip mixtures of…
Plant production

Hebeisen Th., Gutapfel N., Ballmer Th., Reust W., Torche J.M.

Adequate varieties diminish acrylamide formation

Variety specific acrylamide contents were examined in crisps, French fries and hash browns. Tubers from several ware and processing varieties, originated from two locations and two harvest seasons 2002 and 2003, were stored at 8 °C. Standardized processing tests were performed at two times early and late within the storage period respectively. Acrylamide contents were…
Agricultural economics

Bosshard A., Schläpfer F.

Ways towards a target oriented Swiss agricultural policy

The obvious need, in the context trade liberalisation, for further reforming public support for agriculture in Switzerland currently generates lively political debates among affected interest groups. However, a basic understanding of the important public-good issues involved is frequently lacking in these discussions. Currently, only a small fraction of the subsidies are tightly linked to explicit…

Heinrich A., Kaufmann R.

agricultural building and landscape

Agricultural buildings form and influence our environment, in particular in open country, away from built-up areas. Here agricultural buildings have a major impact on the landscape. The general trend to cut costs has brought about a change in the construction technique of agricultural buildings. Atypical materials and colours are used, in some cases a qualified…

Diserens E., Spiess E., Steinmann G.

TASC: an Excel tool to prevent severe soil compaction damage

TASC (TYRES/TRACKS AND SOIL COMPACTION) est une application excel tenant lieu de guide pour le praticien des grandes cultures. Une appréciation des sollicitations du sol induites par le train de roulement des machines est rendue possible, en tenant compte des propriétés du sol et des machines. Lorsqu’il y a lieu, le risque de compactage sévère…
Plant production

Müller M.D., Poiger T., Müller M.D.

Pesticide Registration in Switzerland: The Role of Pesticide Quality and Market Control

The product chemistry of plant protection products is a key issue in the benefit-risk evaluation process in registration of pesticides. In our article we present some aspects of pesticide formulation chemistry and testing. The data requirements for registration refer to an internationally harmonized approach under the auspices of FAO and WHO, called FAO and/or WHO…
Plant production

Jacot K., Eggenschwiler L., Bosshard A.

Botanical development of restored species rich field margins

Starting in 2007 species rich field margins shall be introduced as a new, enduring ecological compensation area type in Swiss agriculture. The results of large on farm-experiments with different seed mixtures and cutting regimes showed the highest plant species diversity under fresh and dry soil conditions while on clay soils and under more humid or…
Plant production

Frick C., Hebeisen Th.

Poppy, an alternative plant

Poppy (Papaver somniferum) is an ancient crop plant. The pressed seeds provide valuable edible oil. Field trials in the last three years showed, that poppy needs an accurate cultivation. Seed yield ranged between 2 and 17 dt/ha depending on variety and location. Yield of 10 dt/ha should be possible if cultivation occurs under good conditions.…