
64 posts

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Plant production

Kölliker R., Wichmann F., Vorhölter F.J., Conradin C., Reinhard S., Boller B., Widmer F.

Bacterial wilt – a puzzling disease of forage grasses

Bacterial wilt of forage grasses is caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas translucens pv. graminis (Xtg) and leads to major damage in meadows and pastures. To support the breeding of resistant cultivars, we are studying the genetic bases of the interaction between bacteria and plants. In doing so, we have learnt that this interaction exhibits a…
Plant production

Hunziker K., Noser S., Ingenfeld A., Frey J., Kellerhals M.

Fruit genetic resources: diversity for the future

Since 1999, the Federal Office of Agriculture (BLW) supports the collection, conservation and description of old fruit varieties within the framework of the National Plan of Action (NAP) for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA). In the course of the nationwide fruit inventory in the years 2000…
Animal production

Willems H., Werder C., Kreuzer M., Leiber F.

Effect of grazing system on fattening performance and meat quality of lambs grazing alpine summer pastures

In Switzerland, the level of subsidy provided for summer grazing of sheep differs between grazing systems. They are higher for rotational grazing than for permanent pasture systems. In this controlled alpine grazing experiment, fattening performance and meat quality were compared between these two grazing systems. Fifty-five castrated male lambs (36.2±4.2 kg live weight, 27±3 weeks…