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Eberhard P., Bütikofer U., Sieber R.

Vitamins in stored high heated milk

Whole milk was pasteurised with a direct method at 125 °C and an indirect method at 115 °C. Immediately after heating and storage at 5 °C during 1 and 4 weeks, the vitamins B1, B6, B12 as well as folic acid were examined. No losses due to storage (storage losses) were detected with Vitamin B12…

Thomet A., Sieber R., Gugolz R., Gantenbein-Demarchi C.

Efficient conservation of microorganisms by flow bed-drying

The process of flow bed drying has been used for the conservation of several different products for some time. Preliminary experiments for the conservation of lactic acid bacteria gave positive results. Commercial use of the flow bed-drying technology for the conservation and confectioning of microorganisms used in fermentation processes seems to be realisable, however, further…

Collomb M., Eyer H., Sieber R.

Chemical structure and composition of fatty acids in milk fat

Milk fat contains approximately 400 different fatty acids. They can originate directly from the fat of the foodstuffs or the animal tissue, formed either by biohydrogenation in the rumen of the cow or synthesised in the mammary gland. At the present time, the official methods for the determination of fatty acid composition in milk fat…

Bachmann H.-P., Bobst C., Bütikofer U., DallaTorre M., Fröhlich-Wyder M.-T., Fürst M.

Development of a surface smear starter culture

The FAM has developed two new surface mixed-cultures for smear ripened cheeses. These cultures have proven to be successful in practice and can now be ordered from the FAM. Research work carried out with the objective of combating sticky smear yielded numerous data on its formation. These results were used by the FAM to develop…

Eyer H., Collomb M., Sieber R.

Precious milk fat from the high lands

High land milk fat produced on swiss alps during summer months contains significantly higher amounts of unsaturated fatty acids than common summer milk fat. Also conjugated cis/trans linoleic acids and ?-3 fatty acids contents are markedly higher. This result obtained in a single alp study a few years ago could be confirmed in a follow-up…

Sieber R., Eyer H.

Milk and dairy products – from birth to death

Depending on age, human beings have different needs for nutrients which can be supplied only through a varied diet. Milk and dairy products play a very important part in the human diet thanks to their composition in different nutritive elements. Among the most important elements are the proteins, linoleic acids, short chain fatty acids, sphingolipids…

Bogdanov S., Blumer P.

Natural antibiotic properties of honey

In honey there are different natural antibacterial substances, or so called inhibines. One of them, hydrogen peroxide, was thought to be the most important one. However, our studies show, that there are different non-peroxide antibacterial substances. Contrary to the peroxide inhibines, they are not sensitive towards heat , light and storage. The antibacterial effect of…

Bachmann H.-P., Bobst C., Bütikofer U., Casey M.G., Dalla Torre M., Fürst M., Wyder M.Th.

Cultures for reducing the stickiness of smeared cheese surfaces

“Numerous traditional Swiss cheese varieties are smear-ripened e.g. Gruyère, Raclette, Appenzeller and Tilsiter. The smear is a very complex ecosystem composed of moulds, yeasts and bacteria. It contributes to the typical flavour of these cheese varieties. In recent years, the occurence of a defect, the so-called stickiness of the smear, has increased. The smear became…

Sieber R., Eyer H.

New reference values regarding the intake of nutritive substances represent a chance for the agriculture and dairy industry

In the year 2000, new reference values for the intake of nutritive substances were published in the German speaking countries. These values differ from previous recommendations, for the German population, for example, in a higher intake of folic acid, vitamin C and calcium. In order to comply with these recommendations, the consumers should attach more…

Höhn E.

Fruit and vegetable quality from the field to the table

It is undebated that a sufficient consumption of fruit and vegetables decreases the risk of various diseases. In spite of this, Swiss consumption of fruit and vegetables remains relatively low. Campaigns are now planned in Switzerland to increase consumption of these food groups, with a view to contributing to the prevention of several diseases. Hindering…

Bachmann H.-P.

Proteinase-positive cultures lead to better melting properties of Raclette cheese

Proteolysis has a strong influence on the melting properties of Raclette cheese. In a multifactoriel cheesemaking trial the influences of the proteinase-activity of the lactococci-culture (proteinase-positive / proteinase-negative) and the type of ripening (smear ripening / foil ripening) on the melting properties of Raclette cheese were investigated. The trial showed that the proteinase-activity of the…

Sieber R., Haldimann M., Zimmerli B.

Selenium status of the Swiss population and the agriculture

The natural environmental conditions in Switzerland are not in favor of an adequate selenium supply to humans and animals. However, the results of different studies (food, blood serum) demonstrate a sufficient selenium status of the population. The reasons are selenium-rich wheat imported from North-America as well as the supplementation of feeds for domestic animals. It…

Höhn E., Guggenbühl B.

Market demands on Golden Delicious Apples

Sugar content and firmness are two important factors determining eating quality of apples. Sensory analysis with a trained panel confirmed that sweetness, sourness, fruitiness and firmness can be predicted by instrumental measurements such as total soluble solids (refractometer), titratable acidity and firmness measurements by penetrometer. Tests with consumers indicated that Golden Delicious of acceptable eating…

Eberhard P., Strahm W., Eyer H.

High pressure treatment of whipped cream

Pasteurized cream with 260, 290, 320 and 350 g/kg fat content was treated by high pressure in the range between 300 and 800 MPa. Whipping properties of cream with fat content < 320 g/kg was better after pressurization. The whipping time was 15 to 25 % shorter and loss of serum was lower. This is…

Dufey P.-A., Chambaz A.

Label production in Switzerland and beef quality

Switzerland is not exempted from the proliferation of labels in the beef industry. The possible effects on beef quality of the specific norms which have been elaborated by the label organisations are discussed in this review. The quality of the final product depends not only on the way the animals are fattened, it depends even…

Dufey P.-A., Chambaz A.

Effects of production factors on the quality of beef

Meat quality is the result of complex effects, which depend on many factors, primarily the location of the muscle in the body, but also on sex, breed, nutrition, growth rate, age at slaughter, fatness and carcass conformation. The literature on the subject of the various influencing factors is reviewed, and their impact on bovine meat…

Dufey P.-A.

Meat is a valuable dietary source of CLA

The conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) represent a group of natural isomers which are derived from linoleic acid. Because of their unique characteristics they exert chemical and physiological effects on the organism which differ from those of linoleic acid. In animal models as well as in in vitro models using tumour cells of human origin, they…