
2,441 posts

Animal production

Bugnon A., Viñals R., Abbet C., Chevassus G., Bohnenblust M., Rad M. S., Rieder S., Droz B., Charrière J.-D und Thiran J.-Ph.

Beekeeping – A Mobile Application for Controlling the Varroa Mite

A simple smartphone could soon become an essential ally for beekeepers in their battle to control the varroa mite. A mobile application for identifying and counting these tiny parasites in the hive – the first of its kind in Switzerland – has just been developed.

Ingenhoff J.-E., Mühlemann M., Ackermann-Gäumann R., Moor D. and Berger T.

Consumption of Raw Goat’s Milk: What Is the Risk of Infection with TBE Viruses?

Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) pathogens can be transmitted to humans by the consumption of raw milk and raw-milk products from infected goats. The risk is judged to be low, and is most likely to come from on-farm consumption of the (unpasteurised) products.

Luka H., Knecht M., Whiting L., Studer M., Luka-Stan A., Forlin L. and Cahenzli F.

Weeds? – Sown Wildflower Strips and Crop-Accompanying Flora Promote Beneficials in Cabbage Production

FiBL field trials demonstrate that sown wildflowers together with the spontaneous arable weed flora in cabbage fields can promote predatory beneficial insects and pollinators. This makes it possible to enhance the ecological value of production areas.

Wechsler D., Fehér N., Haldemann J., Meola M., Guggisberg D., Fuchsmann P., Guggenbühl B., Dreier M., Shani N., Badertscher R., Egger C., Portmann R., Arias E. and Schmidt R.

Characterisation of Raclette du Valais PDO

Agroscope has comprehensively characterised the cheese variety Raclette du Valais PDO (Protected Designation of Origin). With the reference values obtained, cheese-dairy advisory services will be able to identify cheese defects more easily in future.
Plant production

Hoffet F., Blackford M., Burdet F., Steinemann B. and Mackie-Haas K.

Swiss Wine of the Future – What Expectations do Consumers Have?

Consumer acceptance plays a key role in the introduction of new grape varieties. An Agridea consumer survey reveals a great openness to fungus-tolerant varieties that lend themselves to particularly environmentally friendly cultivation methods.

Graf R., Hagist D., Zellweger-Fischer J., Chevillat V., von Sury R. and Birrer S.

Quantity and Quality of Semi-Natural Elements within the Swiss Lowland Farmland

In the Swiss lowland, the quantity of biodiversity promoting areas (BPA, i.e. options of the Swiss agri-environment scheme) clearly exeeds the stipulated 7%.The quality of the BPA has been improved as well. However, three forth of the BPA are still barely recognizable as semi-natural areas in the field.