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Agricultural economics

Schelske O., Seidl I.

A case study on the growing and marketing of old land races

This paper deals with biodiversity conservation by economic activities in the food and nutrition sector. A case study about the growing and marketing of the wheat species Emmer (Triticum dicoccum) in the region Schaffhausen analyses necessary success factors for the development of similar regional economic activities. Such success factors are the involved regional production capabilities,…
Agricultural economics

Steingruber E., Hofer P.

Economic efficiency of no-tillage

“In the long-term field trial “”Oberacker”” at Zollikofen (Switzerland) crop yields were measured to determine the effect of no-tillage without any soil disturbance and conventional tillage with mouldboard plough. A cost and profit analysis (full cost accounting) was carried out with the data in order to analyse farm economy of the changeover from a conventional…
Agricultural economics

Girsberger M.A.

Patents, Plant Breeders' Rights and Farmers' Rights

At present, Farmers’ Rights are, in contrast to patents and plant breeders’ rights, not an operational mechanism to protect genetic resources. One of the aims of the ongoing revision of the “International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources” (International Undertaking) of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations is the further realisation of…
Agricultural economics

Radlinsky A., Theler C., Lehmann B.

Social sustainability in Swiss agriculture

Social aspects play a leading role in the sustainability concept. Therefore, the principal elements of social sustainability will be subjected to an analysis within the scope of a study of the social conditions prevailing in Swiss agriculture. The theoretical approach is based on the concept of quality of life. In Spring 2000, a postal survey…
Agricultural economics

Anwander Phan-Huy S.

Ecological concerns in the Swiss agricultural policy

At the beginning of the 1970s, the Swiss public was shocked by reports in news media on the subject of ecological problems resulting from agricultural activities. Since then, measures to improve integration and promote environmental awareness have been implemented, hesitantly at first due to political opposition, and then more decisively with the agricultural policy reform…
Agricultural economics

Malitius O., Pfefferli S.

Agro-economic research as decision support

The FAT’s agro-economic research is focused on analyses, calculations and prognosis helping the farmers, agricultural advisors and agricultural policy in their decision-making processes. Any decision support is an intensive dialogue between the advisors and the decision-makers. The quantitative methods used depend on the specific problems. Agro-political measures in particular must be assessed according to economic,…

Research in the field of animal housing systems for the assessment of sustainability

Sustainable, that is to say economic, ecological and socially responsible production methods are increasingly requested by the general public and the agricultural policy makers. The primary goal of research in the field of process engineering is to develop and improve animal housing systems. Moreover, the research establishes essential bases for decisions in order to assess…
Agricultural economics

Gaillard G., Irla E.

Life cycle assessment of weed control in field crops

An environmental life cycle assessment of mechanical and mechanical-chemical weed control methods was established for ware potatoes, grain maize, winter rape and winter wheat, and compared to that of chemical techniques. Given the assumptions defined, the following conclusions can be drawn: The factors (fuel consumption, mechanisation, herbicide production, emissions, etc.) influencing the environmental impacts strongly…
Agricultural economics

Tobias S., Weisskopf P., Schaub D., Marty P.

Chances of soil conserving tillage practices in Switzerland

The 7th report about agriculture of the Swiss Federal Council laid the foundations for a new ecological direction of Swiss agriculture. Additionally, the revision of the federal act on environment protection extended the legal measures of soil protection. Henceforth, physical and mechanical impacts that cause persistent damage of soil fertility must be avoided. In agriculture,…
Agricultural economics

Forni D., Gujer H.U., Nyffenegger L., Vogel S., Gantner U.

Evaluation of environmental and ethological measures in agriculture

La valutazione dei provvedimenti ecologicie dei programmi inerenti alla detenzione degli animali é svolta dall’Ufficio federale dell’agricoltura in collaborazione con diversientie stazioni federali di ricerca in base all’ordinanza del 7 dicembre 1998 concernente l’analisi dell’agricolturadal profilodellasostenibilità.La valutazione verte sull’analisi della partecipazione ai singoli provvedimenti o programmi, dei loro effetti e ripercussioni come pure sullo studio…
Agricultural economics

Hess B., Schmid H., Lehmann B.

Environmental indicators – Interface between economy and ecology

Experts carried out a survey using the Delphi method in order to obtain reliable instruments for monitoring the environmental consequences of national legislation and, at the same time, to determine the impact and effectiveness of the applicable regulations. The survey included both the active and inanimate environment (soil, water, air, bio-diversity and landscape). The first…
Agricultural economics

Gaillard G., Hausheer J.

Life cycle assessment of wheat cropping

An environmental life cycle assessment of different wheat cropping systems (intensive United Kingdom, intensive, integrated and organic Switzerland) was established. The results reveal that wheat cropping systems with a reduced input use proved to be most favourable from an ecological point of view, provided that the yield reaches a certain level. the sensitivity of the…

Nature conservation – from a casual agricultural by-product to an intended service Yields and economic results of three farming systems at Burgrain

Since 1993 nature conservation is promoted within the Swiss agricultural policy. In 1997 4,2 % of the direct governmental subsidies to farmers were allocated to ecological compensation measures. Approximately 9 % of the national agricultural surface was managed on a contractual basis. The empirical analysis in the canton Zurich (1996) confirms that the participation of…